Club Penguin is winning... Hands DOWN.
Look at that, Webkinz, i'm SO dissapointed, copying?? Why? Because they are losing the big game...
Club Penguin have clearly made all of their items way before Webkinz, about 5 days. And some, a year, or month.
Dear Webkinz; You thought we would never notice? Well we do..
Ever since the big Disney owned Club Penguin, they made their 3rd year anniversery, Club Penguin, and Disney released something so they will win the big game vs. Webkinz. CP now has toys to buy from, enter the code or secret page and line and word to unlock sweet things online!
Webkinz WAS winning, when CP was owned by a bunch of normal workers, and it was only 5 dollars a month to be a member, and you could play online for free, and still get cool stuff. Disney isn't raising prices on Club Penguin, just adding optional trinkets, to be cool, and known!
Webkinz forces you to buy a new Webkinz every year, if you don't.... All of your hard hours of work will be down the drain, and you can't ever get it back.. Not for CP, though! Club Penguin is more fun, most of the kid population agrees on. Webkinz is too supervised.. And BOOORRRIINNNGG.
Check out Club Penguin, it's worth your time, trust me.
It's only until a matter of time and days, until Club Penguin starts winning the big battle of the WEBKINZ VS. CLUB PENGUIN!
We're your number one source on all things Webkinz! Here at The Wonderful World of Webkinz!