Saturday, September 27, 2008

The BIG Rumor of the Yellow Duck!

While searching past all of the later times in the Quizzys Clander Questions, Look here! Is the yellow duck going to be the next best thing THIS year?? What we think of, is if this picture was made in 05', why would it be recreated years and years later? But, we never know! What do you think about it?

It's another mystery.

But, we think we've cracked the code.
By the way: WWOW, it meens Wonderful World of Webkinz. : )

Friday, September 12, 2008

What's the Use? We know!

Webkinz School Essentialz.

That's what we're talking about today here at WWOW. So.. "What's the use of it?". New stickers to impress the always unimpressed, cool new paper to send, and new messages, tons of them to say instead of the boring BLAH BLAH. Happy Birthday! Or, Call me! That's so yesterday, but today. It's..

Webkinz School Essentialz.

Our First Competition- Prizes: Night and Day Chair Code!

Unlock the amazing: Night and Day Chair code!

So I will send you in the code to 5 lucky subscriptions whom are all on our e-mail list, more information about subscribing to our e-mail list to the side! You do absolutely.. NOTHING! Only 5 lucky winners will win. I will e-mail you and send you in the code.

Good-luck, and all do check your e-mails, please!

  • Results just came in. Our winners are here- Webkins2526, Shecheeses, iamc00lt00, Wahoo9374, and Dibawou2!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to See the Future WEBKINZ??

Here I found a pretty crazy video on Youtube, this could be true, or not?? We don't know now, only time will tell the facts. Enjoy, and thank-you for reading! : )

Why and When Could I EVER Get in the Webkinz Clubhouse?? Well WE know!

That's a big question many of us blogs would like to answer for you, and TWWOW (The Wonderful World of Webkinz) has an answer for you! As you see in the picture above, it shows you certain times the Clubhouse opens. 9 .A.M to 5 P.M- So I recommend trying to be one of the first at 9 .A.M! The busiest time we think may be at the times of 12 .P.M, 3 .P.M, and 4 .P.M.

So schedule your times for the Webkinz Clubhouse!

The Blue screen only occurs when the Clubhouse is packed!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Cars Day! Make your own car in Webkinz!

Welcome to the National WWOW (Wonderful World of Webkinz) Car Day!

My blog is doing highly well! Thanks to all of you readers! Couldn't do it without you!

Anyways, back to the Car you see above, yes, this could be yours! The Automotive Theme in the wShop is the place to be- if you want to create this masterpiece!