Saturday, October 25, 2008

Webkinz VS. Club Penguin- And Webkinz is copying, and it's clear. Read the WHOLE story. **A WWOW HOLIDAY SPECIAL**

Club Penguin is winning... Hands DOWN.

Look at that, Webkinz, i'm SO dissapointed, copying?? Why? Because they are losing the big game...
Club Penguin have clearly made all of their items way before Webkinz, about 5 days. And some, a year, or month.
Dear Webkinz; You thought we would never notice? Well we do..

Ever since the big Disney owned Club Penguin, they made their 3rd year anniversery, Club Penguin, and Disney released something so they will win the big game vs. Webkinz. CP now has toys to buy from, enter the code or secret page and line and word to unlock sweet things online!

Webkinz WAS winning, when CP was owned by a bunch of normal workers, and it was only 5 dollars a month to be a member, and you could play online for free, and still get cool stuff. Disney isn't raising prices on Club Penguin, just adding optional trinkets, to be cool, and known!

Webkinz forces you to buy a new Webkinz every year, if you don't.... All of your hard hours of work will be down the drain, and you can't ever get it back.. Not for CP, though! Club Penguin is more fun, most of the kid population agrees on. Webkinz is too supervised.. And BOOORRRIINNNGG.

Check out Club Penguin, it's worth your time, trust me.

It's only until a matter of time and days, until Club Penguin starts winning the big battle of the WEBKINZ VS. CLUB PENGUIN!

We're your number one source on all things Webkinz! Here at The Wonderful World of Webkinz!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Umm... Very Lucky on the W.O.W!

Someone hit the jackpot! 1 coins, sweeett! Must have been VERY good luck, eh? Don't you think Webkinz should take the time and update their advertizements?

I meen the Supermodelz isn't even IN Webkinz anymore,

why is that so? We don't know?
Here's what other kids have to say for THAT--
""Hey if you save up another 134 of those you could buy the halloween side table! That would totally just make your room complete. I've never had less then 4 for the mystery. Poor you!""
""I got 23 on a Cares spin {button push, whatever}, and before that all of 13, and before that food that can be made {recipe known} -- big spenders, aren't they {Ganz/Webkinz}. I felt it was a huge rip-off.""

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Sweet Cookie Tornado!

  • Cookie

  • Banana

  • Ice Cream

And put it in a blender! There's the wonderful Cookie Tornado. Just discovered a short while ago, your pets will roll over for this treat!

  • Sell it, get 19 kinzcash!

Hunger Boost: 9 Health Boost: 3 Happiness Boost: 7

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Wonderful HISTORY of Webkinz!

The Wonderful HISTORY of Webkinz!- Brought to you by: The Wonderful World of Webkinz!-

Webkinz are popular beyond belief now, with more and more people picking up a webkinz for the first time every single day. However, it wasn't always this rosey in Webkinz World! Here's a brief history of Webkinz and how this HUGE craze came about!

Webkinz were made a reality by the company "Ganz" in 2005. Ganz have been around for years and years, making gifts and other children's toys in Canada. I don't know how it happened or where it came from, but they suddenly released a plush toy which could be made into a virtual pet ONLINE!!

Back in 2005, when fun games on the internet was just gaining popularity, and the power of the pokemon craze was ending - some lucky kids started to look into these strange new "Webkinz" creatures, which turned into a virtual world which can only be played with use of a secret code!!Those kids, as it turned out, were the first of literally billions who have discovered the wonderfully addictive life of a virtual Webkinz (including me!).

By 2006, Ganz officially announced that Webkinz World's population was 1 million strong and over 2 million plush toy Webkinz had been sold!

That was a year ago and now, Ganz aren't giving out any more details about how many people have Webkinz! You know what that means?? There may be up to 3 million kids in Webkinz World. Right Now!! How amazing is that? In the space of two short years, Webkinz have grown so strong in popularity. Not only that, but they recently overtook Club Penguin in visitor quantity! Think that Club Penguin has just been purchased by Disney for a staggering $350m!

Imagine what Webkinz could sell for in the future!! IF it doesn't "fail" like Pokemon.

When I started playing Webkinz- It was only about a year ago! :) When did you all start playing Webkinz?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Facts you Probably Didn't Know About Webkinz.... Until NOW!

  • That if you are sleeping in a bed, and you do an any action, your Webkinz sleeps sideways?
  • That your pet will only eat 6 pieces of the same food! Unless, you give them 1 of something else!
  • That if you try to figure out an unsolved recipe using every single food NOT with the pet special foods their are 156849 different combinations??? That would take a long time!
  • That plumpy still has the old hair cut in the chef challenge!
  • That the February 2008 calendar poster at Quizzy's shows a Webkinz love kitten that hasn't been released yet!
  • That the hammock is the only bed that can be placed outside! [the beach can also go outside.]
  • That if you bought 1 of every single piece of the Egyptian theme you would be spending 111,120
  • kinzcash!!!!! better save up if you want to live like an ancient pharoah!
  • If you feed your pet nothing but marshmallows, they will become sick.
  • That the background behind the rain in the rainy day window is the wallpaper that you have in that room?!?!?!?!?!

There you go Webkinz Fans!

Friday, October 3, 2008

How to get RICH on Webkinz! 5 Easy Steps!

Ready to go shopping!? Let's make some KinzCash!

There are many things you can do to make the most of your KinzCash earnings in Webkinz World without using any cheats.
By playing the following games for only 2 - 15 minutes a day, you can earn around 2,500 KinzCash each week!!!

  1. The absolute best way to earn KinzCash is Quizzy's Question Corner. You can earn between 150 KinzCash to 250 KinzCash in only 15 minutes each day. Just answer one full series of questions (you'll know when it's done). This will give you up to 1,750 KinzCash each week!!!

  • You can earn about 50 KinzCash a day by playing Wheel of Wow. BUT- 350 KinzCash each week isn't bad!

  • The Wishing Well will get you an average of around 40 KinzCash per day. That adds up to 280 KinzCash each and every week.

  • Under you're My Pets section you will see The Care Award. Click on it every day for 10 KinzCash. And, as a bonus, if you click each day for a full week you'll receive a bonus 30 KinzCash! That's 100 KinzCash for only 7 clicks!

  • If you're willing to take The Survey, one click will get you 50 KinzCash each week, every week.

  • So if you follow THOSE 5 easy steps- Your on your way to being rich on Webkinz!

    Wonderful Webkinz House! Amazing! It's a "Must See"!

    Wonderful Rooms, smashing, beautiful! Wonderful! Today we're presenting you a tour of one of the WONDERFULLEST houses in all Webkinz! You can only find it here at The Wonderful World of Webkinz!