Sunday, October 5, 2008

Facts you Probably Didn't Know About Webkinz.... Until NOW!

  • That if you are sleeping in a bed, and you do an any action, your Webkinz sleeps sideways?
  • That your pet will only eat 6 pieces of the same food! Unless, you give them 1 of something else!
  • That if you try to figure out an unsolved recipe using every single food NOT with the pet special foods their are 156849 different combinations??? That would take a long time!
  • That plumpy still has the old hair cut in the chef challenge!
  • That the February 2008 calendar poster at Quizzy's shows a Webkinz love kitten that hasn't been released yet!
  • That the hammock is the only bed that can be placed outside! [the beach can also go outside.]
  • That if you bought 1 of every single piece of the Egyptian theme you would be spending 111,120
  • kinzcash!!!!! better save up if you want to live like an ancient pharoah!
  • If you feed your pet nothing but marshmallows, they will become sick.
  • That the background behind the rain in the rainy day window is the wallpaper that you have in that room?!?!?!?!?!

There you go Webkinz Fans!

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