Monday, August 18, 2008

Meet Twinkle: The RARE Lil' Kinz Magical Retriever!

The Magical Retriever special card (Shown to the side) has odds of 1 in 360 packs, so if you pay $3 per pack of cards, this Retriever is technically worth $1,080!! This is a super super rare adoption, "It's like winning the lottery" says the Magical Retriever owner, Paul. "I'm incredibly shocked I won, I never even knew this existed! It proves that anybody can do anything, plus I only bought one pack!!!" says Paul.

the PSI [Sparkling Star Bed] (and even the PSF [Presto Pesto Pizza]) are likely to command extremely high trade values in all of Webkinz!

And, the Webkinz itself...

(PS: Go ahead and you can click on the image to make it bigger and more clear!)

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