The Best Strategies to get beyond level 10, 20, and 30 in Pizza Palace!-
Written by Pizza Palace Champions.
Always remember to complete the very first walkthrough level. You get 55 extra funds!
- After level 2, I upgrade my shoes.
- After level 3, I upgrade my shoes again.
- After level 4, I save my money and do not do any upgrades.
- Then, after level 5, I upgrade my oven.
(((You will note that the oven takes longer than the pizza machines or topping stations to perform its task. )))
I find that when you start making whole pizzas (the first of which appears on level 6), it's needed to have an upgraded oven, so that the pizzas cook faster!
(((When there's a whole pizza in the oven, you can't fit any quarter or half pizzas in the oven as well, so it slows things down...)))
The quicker you can upgrade your oven, the better.
- After level 6, I buy a second pizza maker.
- After level 7, a second topping station.
- After level 8, second oven.
- After level 9, a third pizza maker.
- After level 10, wait and save money.
- After level 11, a third topping station.
As you see in the picture (above)- Well that's my pride strategy I use when I have gotten 2 pizza makers (LEVEL 5)! At first I use one for the little and the other for the big pizzas! Whenever I use a pizza, I remember I must click on either if it is little or big pizzas. It helps to keep them all ready and OK to go, so you don't have to wait under pressure of the customers! {The only stumper is when Webkinz orders the full pizzas, but that's no problem!}
These strategies will help you as you follow in the footsteps of ALL the Webkinz champions!
do you ever upgrade a pizza maker or topping station, or just keep adding more?
after level 7 i never have enough to buy a second oven!
i never have a enough to buy a second oven either at lvl 7
I never had enough money after level 7 to buy an oven
I NEVER have enough money for another pizza maker after lvl 8, im just a bit short!! I can't buy the oven either, 100$ short!!
you have to play the tutorial to get the extra cash. and after level 7, ou dont buy a new oven. you UPGRADE the first one you have. hope this helped! (;
Level 1 (you can earn 55$) - no upgrade possible
Level 2: Upgrade nothing
Level 3: Buy another pizza oven
Level 4: Shoe upgrade
Level 5: Buy another topping station
Level 6: Buy third pizza maker
Level 7: Buy third topping station
Level 8: Upgrade 1st and 2nd pizza makers
Level 9: Buy second oven
Level 10: Shoe upgrade and topping station upgrade
Level 11: Upgrade last pizza maker and 2nd topping station
Level 12: Upgrade 1st oven
Level 13: Upgrade 2nd oven and last topping station
First of all, this strategy is very hard because you have to get the nearly the highest amount of money each time. If you didn't, or don't think you will be able to afford something, skip on the shoe upgrades - they dont help as much as the other things. Personally, this strategy has gotten me to level 18, but sometimes I get stuck on buying the second oven, so I start over and skip on the shoe upgrade. And for the whole pizzas, I personally found that (early in the game, before the 2nd oven purchase) if you make the next 2 pizzas after the order of the whole one, then put it in, you should be able to get the highest amount of $. Hope this helped!!
Ya um... UR STRATEGIES ARE NOT GOOD! First of all, never buy the shoes! Its basically nothing. U walk a tiny bit faster. Woo hoo. Doesnt Do anything for you! Heres what I do:
Lvl 1: You need the Xtra cash, do the walk though
Lvl ?-?: Save up to buy an oven.
Buy the oven, then save up so you can buy the pizza dough maker upgrade, and same with the pizza topping station.
From that point on just save up and when you can upgrade or buy another of something do it!
Best of luck to all of you pizza players.
Heres some tips:
- Alays play the tutorial. It may be boring but xtra cash it useful!
- Try to save up your money and on lvl 3 buy the pizza dough upgrade
- after the pizza dough upgrade save for the topping upgrade
- then save and save and save for the oven!
- get the oven.
- finally, buy another pizza dough maker after you have enuf.
- keep on playing and just see what you can buy!
- rake in kinz kash!
Oh and the last two comments are MINE! Cuz I rok! WOO ME! And I didnt mean 2 me rude on the first comment of mine.
yum pizza
i like the 7 comments advice better than yours #7's advice works better than yours i only got up to level 8 with your advice and i got up to level 14 with hers.
#7 if you are reading this i think you should leave more advice. it is the best because the advice the website gave me was crap but yours was AWSOME GREAT AND FANTASTIC because i got up to level 14 and i usually only get up to level 8
i think you should buy the shoes then the pizza maker and the topping station. then upgrade the first one also upgrade the pizza maker .then buy another oven.then upgrade the 1'st oven after than you can buy whatever else you think might help you win i usually get up to level 18 using this stratagie hopefully this helps someone out (it should)
the last 3 are from the awsomest person in the world ME!
Ok.... im like obsessed with this game but i still cant get passed level 10! i have looked at ALL the cheats and websites for this and still! nothin'....... this stinks
This didn't work dummy gosh
i cant get past level 16 says almost saved but i cant get past to open the second store has anybody ever openbed the second store
these arer ridiculous, theres no way you can ever have enough money to do your strategy...
Has anyone saved enough to buy a second store? At level 16 it says if you can get past this day you'll have enough for a second store, but I have yet to pass level 16.
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